@import "site/visual/css/noscript.css?v=733144406"; About me | Lisiane Szeckir - Personal & Corporate Development

Lisiane Szeckir Batista da Silva

Nice to meet you! I am Lisiane Szeckir and my passion is communication and human development. I have been working for over 25 years as an entrepreneur in Behavioural Development and I have 20,000-plus hours experience, teaching, training, consulting, coaching, mentoring, and giving lectures to executives and self-employed professionals.

My daily work since 1997 has taught me that happy people deliver more and better and that restrictive processes or unprepared leaders - even when they have the best intentions - may render whole teams ill. My job is to help people have healthier professional relationships so that companies grow better and generate truly sustainable businesses.

I believe

I believe in simplicity, ethics, transparency, and respect both in personal and in professional environments. Such values are the perfect translation of respectful relationships among colleagues, in meetings, and when providing assertive feedback for the development of individuals and groups.

I believe, above all, that balance is the key to healthy relationships in a successful everyday life.


Educational History
  • Single-honours degree in Social Communication and Advertising - PUCRS (1994)
  • Post-graduation in Communication with the Market - ESPM POA (1998)
  • Post-graduation in User Experience - UNESC (2023)

Other Qualifications
  • Instituto Brasileiro de Coaching (2010) - over 250 professionals assisted individually 
  • Behavioural Analyst - Sólides (2011) - over 1,200 assessments of behavioural profiles based on the Profiler tool
  • Training in the Heal Your Life method, based on the philosophy of Louise Hay (2013), and a member of staff in 2017 and 2019
  • Instituto Metaforum (2014) 
  • Creative Learning Institute (2015) - trainer and partner in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  • Trainer of The Inner Game® Institute (2016)